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Pregnancy Work Restriction Letters

    Women that want to get a leave from the job due to their pregnancy are required to provide a pregnancy work restriction letter.

    Why write the work restriction letter?

    There are different accommodations that pregnant ladies should be provided at work. It is important for a pregnant lady to submit the restriction letter at the workplace. If a restriction letter is not written properly, it can ruin the job of the lady. The letter is written to get all the accommodations.

    Tips for writing the restriction letter:

    It is important for you to ask the doctor to write a work restriction letter only if you are sure about your pregnancy. The doctor should request all those things which a pregnant lady should get in the workplace.

    It should be ensured that the letter does not ask for any such accommodation which is not realistic or not possible for the employer to provide. If there is any additional accommodation, the doctor should ensure that it is relevant to the job of the pregnant lady.

    The letter should be able to describe that the pregnant lady is able to perform all the job duties which she is required to do. If you are working in a company and you are pregnant, you should learn about all your rights.

    It is the duty of the employer to provide you with all the accommodations just like he provides accommodations to those employees who get temporary disabilities.

    What should be included in the letter?

    The restriction letter should state that the pregnant lady is not allowed to work in overtime from the fifth month of pregnancy. The woman should also not be employed for night shifts.

    It should be stated in the letter that if the employer does not accept these accommodations for her pregnant employee, the employee can file a complaint against the employer as he is exploiting her basic rights at the workplace.

    Who is eligible for a pregnancy restriction letter?

    All pregnant ladies who are working in an organization are in the 5th month of pregnancy.

    Sample Letters


    I am writing this message on behalf of my patient, Nancy Jones, who works as a data analyst in your corporation. She is in her second trimester of pregnancy, and there have been many implications. She is passing through a crucial phase of life, and any stress during this condition can lead to miscarriage. She needs a break from her work routine that is beneficial for her mental health. Any negligence in taking proper care will result in ruinous labor. Therefore, I request that you accommodate her by reducing office hours to corroborate a healthy pregnancy.


    Please be informed that Jane has been visiting me for her monthly checkup. She is conceiving a baby after ten years of marriage, and it bears some stumbling blocks. Her first trimester is ending on [mention date], and she needs a stress-free environment to grow a healthy baby. She gets tired easily, and I have suggested she take some relaxation time from the office. She will remain on a medicine course for three months, which results in fluctuating mood swings. I request that you mitigate her workload, as she needs your cooperation.


    I am writing this message for my patient Elizabeth, who visits me for her pregnancy checkup. On [mention date], she conceived and came for a follow-up after two weeks. She came to me on [mention date], and I recommended some blood tests to clear some doubts. The reports are showing that she has muscular problems, which can have adverse effects on her pregnancy.

    At this stage, she requires complete rest, and I do not allow her to travel. I hope you will understand her situation and give kind consideration to this request. I have attached her reports with this message for your reference.


    I am Julie Mark, a senior gynecologist at ABC Hospital. I have been dealing with Nancy’s pregnancy case, and recently she has become the victim of a viral infection. This infection can ruin her pregnancy if proper attention is not given to it. I have recommended three weeks’ rest, but it is impossible as she has to look through office affairs.

    I will not suggest she leave the job, but I request that you exempt her from the workload. it is good for her health if she is provided with a one-hour break after two hours to take some rest. I have always found her resilient and courageous, and I hope she will go through this stage easily.  I can provide you with her pregnancy details if you are interested. You can contact me during clinic hours.


    I hope you are doing great. It is recommended that you take complete bed rest during these days. These days are considered to be one of the most important days in the pregnancy period. Therefore, to avoid any further complications with the mother’s and baby’s health, you are recommended to observe good bed rest and avoid working. However, you can practice some minimal physical activities like light stretching and slow walking.

    If you experience any pain or any abnormality during this period of rest, contact your doctor immediately. Take Good Care!


    Please read this message carefully, as it concerns the prime health care of yourself and your baby. As you know, it is the beginning of your second trimester. This is the beginning of new changes in the growth of the fetus.

    Moreover, your recent examination and ultrasound reports show a mild complication that needs immediate care. Therefore, I, as your primary physician, recommend that you complete your rest and avoid any kind of work completely. It is important for your and your baby’s health. Thank you.


    This letter is to confirm that Mrs. [NAME], who is my patient and your employee, is 25 weeks pregnant, which must be to your knowledge. This is the stage at which she needs to take the best care of her in every regard, especially with the physical and mental pressure, as both states can lead to catastrophic effects, including preterm labor and many other complications related to the baby. So, it is advised that you kindly provide her with some relaxation during working hours so that she can keep up with a healthy pregnancy till the end.

    Pregnancy Work Restriction Letter


    This is to certify that Miss [NAME] is my patient, and I have been dealing with her case since the very start of her pregnancy. This is her 15th week into the new phase of her life, and it is highly recommended that she be provided with some relaxation at her workplace. She feels nauseated or sleepy, and she must get some free time for that.

    Since these are the most normal phenomena, pregnancy brings in its beautiful but bony arms. She must be spared to get herself some food as many times as she craves for it as the baby needs food every now & then to grow properly inside the womb. The company must offer some flexibility to the mom-to-be who is going to bring the form of God into this sinful world.

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