Mental Health Letter by Doctor

Re: Letter of Mental Health Fitness for Mr. [Name] to Ascertain Their Working Position

Dear Sir/Madam, I am Dr. [Name of the Psychiatrist] from [Name of the clinic], [city], [state]. I am writing this letter after the complete examination of Mr. [name] on mental health grounds. The federal department has asked me for intelligence services to confirm the client’s mental health fitness.

I conducted three discussion sessions with the client. One of them was a live session done for basic screening. The other two sessions were pivotal and showed burgeoned results for designing the final report for the client.

My first session, dated [date], showed his verbal clarity and unambiguous thought structure. His communication and clarity of pronunciation are up to the mark. According to the Assistant Speech Therapist of the clinic, his communication lacks ambiguity to an upper mark but does not halt clarity of thoughts and power of decision-making.

In the second session dated [date], it was clear that the client did not possess any mental disorder, depression, marks of trauma, PTSD, drug addiction, post-addiction impacts, temperamental imbalance, hormonal imbalance, or other acute disorders.

I hereby state that the above-mentioned reported statements are fact-based and derived through proper instruments of mental illness assessment and evaluation techniques. However, different models and theories were applied to conduct the required tests.      

In case of any queries, please call me at [phone] or write to me at [email]. Great care has been taken while conducting the test, however, errors and omissions are expected, therefore, this letter does not have a legal position and does not accept any notices on legal grounds.

Thank you for considering our services for the screening process.


[clinic address]

Mental health letter by doctor
Letter Template


Re. Mental Health Letter from the Doctor

Dear Sir,

I am Dr. [name] from the [name of the hospital]. I am writing this letter to inform the relevant authorities that the client brought to me for the mental health examination is not fit according to the Psychological Measurement of American Psychological Analytics (PMAPA). Without sensationalizing the issue, I would recommend a complete medical treatment for the subject and regular examination.

The client [name] was kept in clinical exposure for one week. Upon five regular sessions, it has been concluded that the subject is not mentally stable and has been facing emotional challenges. The challenges can be covered and treated by regular sessions on emotional attitude, stamina building, and little medications if needed.

However, there is no acute disorder found in the psychological health of the client. A little deviation from the normative behaviour was seen that can be improved by counselling sessions. Hypersensitivity to the culture can be treated by complementing the counselling session with prescribing antidepressant drugs.

There are no marks of PTSD, acute disorder, or clues of muscle discoordination impacting the deviating behaviour. Moreover, the mental health challenge has not caused any neuron disability and has not halted any brain function.

Thank you for considering our services. Great care has been taken while organizing the result of the medical and mental examination, however, typographical errors or technical glitches are expected. Therefore, the letter cannot be challenged in a court of law. Thank you.

For any more questions, call me at [phone number] or write to me at [email address].

PFA lab tests were conducted on ACMRC and IMR machines.


[clinic name]

Mental health letter by doctor

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