Registered Nurse Designation Letter


Re. Registered Nurse Designation Letter

Dear [Name], After careful observations and a thorough analysis of your duties and your professional attitude at the [name of the hospital], the competent authority is pleased to extend your services as a designated nurse. You have spent [X] months in the hospital as a nurse, and you are now in a position to receive the designation and justify it with your professional duties. I am glad to officially announce your designation as a registered nurse at the hospital.

As a registered nurse, your duties will not change to a great extent; however, there can be minimal technical changes in your professional performance and the departmental expectations and demands. As a registered nurse, you are part of the whole hospital, and your professionalism should not be limited to the department and your section of work. Moreover, there are technical changes in your job that can be accessed through your portal. Your employment portal will be crafted within a week, and you will be able to update your profile, working hours, working statements, and other such fieldwork directly on your portal.

Your salary will be [mention the updated salary]. Moreover, a separate allowance of [X] percent will be added to your salary for accommodation and medical services. Moreover, medical services from our hospital will be free of charge to you.

According to our employment policies, your grading will be done according to the hospital’s professional grading system, which is part of human resources. As a registered nurse, your duties will include, but are not limited to:

  • Providing direct patient care
  • Documenting and maintaining patient record
  • Assisting doctors, medical teams, and other members of the administration whenever required
  • Ensuring compliance with the documented rules and regulations
  • Collaborating with other team members
  • Participating in and contributing to nursing education, training programs, and workshops.

We expect that your promotion as a registered nurse will motivate you to work better and maintain a professional yet humble demeanor at work. We are confident that your enhanced role will bring efficiency to your work toward providing excellent healthcare services. Please have your confirmation statement stamped and signed by the higher authorities, and save it for later purposes.

If you have any questions related to the newly designated role, please let me know. You can also write to me at [email address]. Please acknowledge your new role as soon as possible and respond to me at your earliest convenience. We look forward to working with you in the capacity of your new role and expect that it will have a positive impact overall.

Thank you.


Re. Designation Letter

Dear Ms. [Name],

We welcome you on board as a registered nurse at [name of the healthcare center or hospital]. Your application for the extension of your role as a registered nurse has been approved and finalized by the higher authorities at the State Health Department. We are pleased to note that you have always demonstrated yourself as a professional and efficient worker, highly committed to patient care.

As you have completed your initial training and practice at the [name of the training program or body], we notice that you are now in an eminent capacity to work as a registered nurse. As a registered nurse, your compensation, remuneration, and salary package will be updated. You can check details related to your salary package by logging into your ID on our employment portal. You have been registered as a permanent employee of the hospital. Moreover, you will be provided with in-house accommodation, free medical services, and insurance.

As a registered nurse, your duties will not change much; however, your supervisor will communicate with you about your new role. Also, a formal list of your duties has been attached to the letter for your convenience. Your new role as a registered nurse has upgraded your working scale from [scale-1] to [scale-2].

You have always been a great worker in the department, and we appreciate your professionalism and commitment to excellence. We expect that your new role will have more positive and proactive impacts on your job. We encourage you to keep working with the same enthusiasm and commitment.

A short document from the hospital policy book has been attached. Please read the document in detail so that you can educate yourself about the hospital’s policies and general instructions related to permanent employees and their job nature.

Feel free to ask any questions. I congratulate you once again on your enhanced role as a registered nurse. Thank you.


[Your Name]

[Hospital’s Name]

Registered Nurse Designation Letter

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