Re. A Difficult News of Loss
Dear [XYZ], I am very hopeful that you all are great and doing very well in your lives. I am writing to share difficult news with you. I want you to take a moment, sit calmly, and read peacefully. I did not want to share this news of loss and sadness with you but I want your support in healing in this challenging time.
As you know [Your Spouse Name] and I have been conceiving since [Month]. On [date], [Spouse Name] went for a regular check-up and went through a thorough ultrasonic examination. The doctor told us that the baby miscarried. We were shocked as everything looked fine and nothing was wrong since the beginning of the pregnancy. As we were planning to expand our family, we were very excited to welcome a new member of our family. It is heart-wrenching to see how our feelings of happiness and excitement changed into grief and utter sorrow in a few minutes.
As we are a family, I thought it was important to share this news with you. Family gives you strength, support, and a sign of emotional courage to cope with challenging circumstances. [Spouse Name] is very distressed and going through a deep emotional difficulty. You know she is very sensitive and being a mother, she was in the most vulnerable position. Currently, I think I should give her adequate time to heal and not rush or force healing. Therefore, I am thinking of not seeking any professional help psychologically for the time being.
Miscarriage is one of the toughest things for a couple as it is a deeply personal and emotional experience.
I am sure that you can totally understand our suffering and pain. As a family, I expect from you to help us in difficult times by praying and visiting us. As you know everyone is different and reacts differently to difficult and challenging circumstances, I also expect you to understand that I and [Spouse Name] might react differently to this loss.
In this difficult time, your prayers and support are no less than a treasure. Thank you for being there for us.
[Your Name]

Letter Template 191 KB
Re. Letter of Love & Loss – Sharing Grief and Loss
To All My Dear Family Members,
You know how much I love you and cannot keep anything from you. We are a family and ought to be together through thick and thin. I am writing this letter to share the news of loss with you. Being a family, we should share not only happy moments with each other but grief as well. They say that the feelings of grief lessen when we share it with our family and friends. However, at first, I thought not to share this with you so as not to disturb you all but later I deemed it important as you are an integral part of my life.
As you know, [Spouse Name] and I have been expecting a baby since [X] weeks. We were very excited after pregnancy and really counting each day for the big day. Sometimes, our dreams shatter into pieces because God has different plans. I was stepping down in my office when I skipped two steps and fell on the floor rolling over the stairs. The staff took me to the hospital. I was thinking about my baby and pregnancy throughout this time.
The doctor, after a thorough examination, came with the sad news that we lost the baby. This news of our miscarriage came to us like a stroke. For the first three days, we remained very distressed and upset. We both are going through a tough time this time.
I am sharing this news of loss with you to receive your aesthetic love and care in these times and find solace in it. A simple text of love, encouragement and support and a visit to us will mean a lot to us. You have always supported us in our difficult times and I expect the same from you this time. Your support and love would help us think positively, get back to our normal lives, and heal faster.
Losing a baby even before the delivery is a profoundly emotional and distressing experience. We know that you all care for us a lot and don’t want to see us upset. Everyone has a different reaction to impulsive and stressful situations. Any kind of response will be regarded and understood. During this time, both of us need some time and space to celebrate our grief and heal. In these challenging circumstances, your emotional and moral support means a lot to us. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Please keep us remembered in your prayers. Thank you for always showing your kind support and gentle love.
[Your Name]

Letter Template 191 KB
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