Grievance Letter to Doctor for Unfair Treatment

What is a grievance letter?

These letters are the kind of complaint letters that you write when you are disgruntled because of something and you want the authorities to take action. When a doctor does not give the right treatment to you, you can complain to him. This complaint can also be lodged in the form of a grievance letter written to the hospital authority or the head doctor

Doctors usually take the oath to provide fair treatment to their patients. However, many doctors evade the responsibility. Some doctors deliberately mistreat their patients while some do it unintentionally because of a busy routine. Regardless of the reason, you should always try to let the head doctor know about it so that they can know about the unfair treatment and take necessary actions.

Things to remember:

  1. When you write the grievance letter, explain the whole incident briefly that compelled you to write the grievance letter.
  2. Make sure that the information you provide is facts and figures. For example, the date on which you visited the hospital should be accurate so that the right person who was involved in the incident can be traced.
  3. Keep your tone soft and then express your grief.

Sample letter:

Subject:  Grievance letter to the doctor [XYZ] for unfair treatment

Respected Mr. ABC,

I was going through sudden and intense pain in my right leg last week. I went to the hospital at 2 am on 10th October. I was admitted to the emergency department of the hospital. After 20 minutes, I was taken to the examination room where a doctor and a head nurse examined my condition. Since the pain was not visible and the reason was also not known, you conducted an X-ray of my leg. You told me that the problem was not too serious and prescribed me some painkillers.

I stayed in the emergency department for like whole night but the pain in my leg did not subside. I had to wait there unnecessarily and took many painkillers that did not work for me. I called the nurses many times. However, no one came to see me. The next morning, I was immediately rushed to another hospital where I was given good treatment and my pain was gone in no time.

I am writing this letter to you to let you know that I was upset about the unfair treatment of the staff. The purpose of writing this grievance letter is to make you know the performance of the doctors and nurses of the hospital. I hereby, request you to admonish that doctor as well as the nurse so that no patient has to go through the same situation again.

Kindly make me know what I can do for you to help you deal with such doctors by contacting me at my contact number mentioned at the end of this letter.  

With regards,

Doctor ABC,


Grievance Letter to Doctor for Unfair Treatment

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