Category: Official Medical Letters

Medical Recertification Letter

Medical Recertification Letters

#1 Subject: Medical Recertification for Existing Medical Support/Benefits Dear [Recipient’s Name], I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am Dr. [mention your name], the primary physician of [patient name], born on [patient date of birth]. I am writing to you because I feel the need to provide current information regarding the medical status of [Patient’s Full Name],...

Medical test result letter template

Medical Test Result Letter Samples

Date:Subject: Test Results Dear [Patient Name], I hope this letter finds you in good health. You had visited [mention clinic, hospital, or medical facility name] on [mention date] with complaints of body aches and fever. Your blood samples were taken, and tests were performed. I am writing to provide you with the results of those recent medical tests conducted at...

Letter of Medical Necessity

Letter of Medical Necessity

#1 Subject: Need for orthodontic treatment coverage Dear [Insurance provider name], I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing this letter to appeal for the coverage of orthodontic treatment, specifically braces, for my patient named [Patient’s Full Name], born on [date of birth]. I believe that this orthodontic treatment isn’t for cosmetic purposes...

Medical Clearance Letter for a Patient

Medical Clearance Letter for a Patient

Subject: Medically clear for surgeryTo Whom It May Concern I, Dr. [doctor name], am writing to you regarding my patient’s willingness to perform elective plastic surgery. [Patient name], born on [date of birth], wants to undergo [description of the elective plastic surgery]. I have carefully assessed [patient name] and found [him/her] medically fit for the surgery. According to my evaluation...

Medical record request letter template

Medical Record Request Letter

#1 Subject: Request for Medical RecordsTo whom it may concern: I hope this letter finds you in good health. Kindly accept this letter as my formal request to be given copies of my medical records. I underwent knee replacement surgery at your hospital and it is required for my insurance claim and ongoing medical care to have access to these...

Medical release letter template

Medical Release Letters

#1 Subject: Medical Release Approval Dear Dr. [Receiving doctor Name], I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and high spirits. I write this letter to you for the transfer of medical records and the release of medical information for my patient [Patient Full Name] to your care. [Patient Full Name] has been my patient for the...

Medical referral letter template

Medical Referral Letter Samples

Date:Subject: Referral for High-Risk Pregnant Patient Dear Dr. [doctor name], I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a referral for my patient [patient name], who is [mention number of weeks of pregnancy] weeks pregnant. She is a 40-year-old with one previous normal delivery without any complications. However, this time, it has come to my attention...

Medical excuse letter for workplace

Medical Excuse Letter for Academics & Workplace

Date:Subject: Letter of Excuse for Absence [student name and roll number] Dear [principal name], I am writing this letter with a heavy heart to inform you that [name of the student and roll number], a student of [mention class and section], shall be absent from school from [mention date] due to a decline in his/her health. As much as I...

Medical certificate letter

Medical Certificate Letters

#1 Medical Certificate Letter for Travel Date:Subject: Medical Certificate for International TravelTo whom it may concern: I, Dr. [examiner name], after careful personal examination of Mr. [patient name], born on [mention date of birth], certify that Mr. [patient name] is deemed fit for international travel. After evaluating the medical history as well as the medical examination records, it is determined...

Request Letter to Doctor for Appointment

Request Letter to Doctor for Appointment

Letter 1 I am writing to request an appointment with you for a routine check-up. My last examination was done six months ago, in May. I feel it is time for the next check-up in order to assess the overall condition of my health. I am available after 5 p.m. on weekdays. However, I am free any time on Saturdays....

Doctor note to work from home due to pregnancy

Doctor’s Note to Work from Home due to Pregnancy

#1 Please excuse my patient, Lazily Johns, from attending the office daily amidst her health fluctuations. She is conceiving, and her recent test reports have highlighted some serious alarms that can be contagious for both the mother’s and baby’s health. After the experts’ opinion, we have decided not to let her travel daily. Rather, she can work from home, and...

Mental health excuse note from doctor

Mental Health Excuse Note from Doctor

Note #1 This note is from Dr. Zenith, a medical officer at ABC Hospital, to his patient, David Hutcheon. Please be informed that David has been visiting me for a regular checkup. Currently, his mental health is not stable due to some problems. I am suggesting he complete his mental rest without any work pressure. He will resume work after...

Loss of an Unborn Child Words of Sympathy

Loss of an Unborn Child Words of Sympathy

Text 1 Dear Bella, I hope this message proves healing to you. I heard about your baby’s loss and became dejected. It will take you a long time to overcome the pain, but I assure you that you will always have my assistance. Now, nothing can make you feel better, as becoming a mother has its fascination. I know your...

Miscarriage Message to Colleagues

Message 1 Dear Jessica, I know you are passing through tough circumstances, but I still pray that you find this message helpful. I am very sad after hearing about your miscarriage. You must be feeling alone as if your world has shattered. My dear, I can feel your pain, and I am here to provide you relief with comforting words...

Fake miscarriage doctor note sample

Fake Miscarriage Doctor Note

Note 1 This letter has been written for my patient, Ross Joey, who visits me regularly for her checkup. She was 25 weeks pregnant, but her baby had not shown sufficient growth. She had a little surgery on [mention date]. Currently, she has been dealing with many other health issues as well. She can’t attend work, and I have prescribed...

Excuse letter for loose motion and vomiting

Excuse Letter for Loose Motion and Vomiting

#1 I am proposing this letter for three days’ leave as I am suffering from water retention due to loose motion and vomiting. I had belly cramps since yesterday and took home medication but it did not provide relief. I am vomiting since morning and this has made me extremely feeble. I visited the doctor for a checkup and he...