Recommendation Letter for Resident Doctors

A resident doctor is a physician who is currently taking the training. After completing graduation from a medical college, students of medical have to undertake the training for two or more years as a part of their education program.

Doctors cannot come into the professional world and start treating patients unless they complete their training which is compulsory for them to complete. Students who are currently in the training are known as resident doctors. They can also be referred to as interns.

A medical student who is currently in the period of residency has to complete his education in the chosen field unless he gets a specialization degree in that field.

It is a special type of formal letter that people write for resident doctors. Since the education of resident doctors is not finished yet, they may need LOR for getting admission somewhere.

The LOR is used for resident doctors when:

  1. They want to get admission to an educational institute for higher studies after they have completed their graduation in the medical field.
  2. They want to take training from a specific hospital that requires them to provide them with a letter of reference.

A letter of recommendation primarily helps the subject of the letter achieve his aims. This letter serves as a testimonial from a referee who testifies that the subject has a good character or academic record. If you are someone who needs a letter of reference, you should go to someone who knows you well and will not have any doubts while testifying about your performance during the residency period.

How to write LOR?

Enlist all those points you are interested in mentioning:

What you write in the letter depends on the purpose the subject of the letter wants to fulfill. If he wants to get admission somewhere, you will be required to shed light on his academic achievements in addition to the training experience. If you have to talk about the character of the person, make a list of qualities you have seen in him. Don’t mention bad qualities in the letter.

Use a proper addressing technique:

As soon as you start the letter, you should address the recipient effectively. For this purpose, you will have to know who you are writing to. If you are not sure if you are writing to the hiring manager or the admission department, you can use the phrase ‘’To Whom It May Concern’’.

Introduce yourself:

When you start writing LOR, always start with giving your introduction as the reader always wants to know who has written this letter. Giving an introduction is important because the reader does not accept the reference from everyone. So, clearly state who you are and what is your relationship with the resident doctor.

Mention the key points about the resident doctor:

When you start writing the letter of recommendation, mention all the key points that you think the reader must know about the resident doctor you are mentioning. Before this, you should also know what kind of qualities the reader wants to see in the select resident doctor. Then, tailor your letter according to those required attributes.

Provide your contact details:

In the end, it is important to close the letter in an efficacious way. Give your contact details at the end where the reader can contact you in case he wants to know more or to confirm that the letter has come from the right person.

Read the sample letter of reference written keeping the resident doctor in view:


To Whom It May Concern

I am Dr. Kennedy and I have had the pleasure of working with Dr. James for more than 4 years in the residency at the Central hospital. Mr. James has always been a very dedicated resident doctor who always loved his job. He takes the training very seriously and is very much interested in taking his specialization to a next level. I would like to recommend him for higher studies in his relevant area of specialization.

If you want to know anything else about Mr. James from me, feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to a prosperous career with Dr. James.

Recommendation Letter for Resident Doctors

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