First Aid Treatment Form

In a medical emergency, first aid is the most important place. It reduces the negative impact of an emergency, and the patient’s recovery becomes more possible.

What is first aid?

First aid is the preliminary treatment provided to a patient suffering from an acute illness or injury. First aid is the care and treatment provided to the affected to preserve life and minimize the complications of the injuries he suffered. It is also aimed at ensuring a better and quicker recovery for the patient.

First Aid Treatment Form

Treatment Form File: 43 KB

History of first aid

The history of first-aid treatment is quite ancient. In ancient times, when war was imminent, most people had to go through painful and dreadful situations for survival. During the war, many soldiers were killed, and many were left injured. Their bandaging and cleaning of the wound were done as first aid, and they date back hundreds of years before Christ.

The Roman army was the first army to have a proper first aid crew with them to assist and help them in cases of injuries and causalities. Since then, first aid treatment has evolved to a great level, and now prompt treatment provided to patients in time has saved many lives around the globe.

Some examples of first aid

First aid is provided for many other acute emergencies that do not necessarily involve injuries or wounds. Some examples of first-aid treatments are as follows:

  • First aid provided during an injury is the most common form in which the wound is cleaned and closed. Bandaging is done, and the patient is then immediately shifted to tertiary care. It also involves bone fractures and suturing of open wounds sometimes.
  • Oxygen first aid is provided for patients with low oxygen saturation. A fire, a building breakdown, or any other form of emergency may result in the suffocation and hypoxia of people, and they may need an immediate oxygen supply.
  • Hyperbaric first aid is the one for underwater emergencies. Sea diver drowning cases are often seen, and professional first aid providers are required in such a situation.
  • CPR is one of the most commonly required and performed first aid for patients undergoing shock.
  • Other situations that need first aid are cardiac arrest, diabetic ketoacidosis, asthmatic status, and many others.

First aid treatment form

  • During or after the provision of first aid, a form is also filled out, which is called a first aid treatment form. In a first aid treatment form, the incident is reported in detail, along with complete details of the patient and the injury or emergency. The site of the injury and the extent of the injury have to be mentioned in detail.
  • A brief medical history of the injured patient is also mentioned if possible. First aid providers are trained enough to gather as much information as they can while giving the aid, and they have to write it in the form.
  • Treatment provided is also mentioned in detail, as the patient is then referred to a better health facility, where a treatment form is sent along with the patient. The doctors who receive the form find it easy to know the problem, and treatment is continued without hassle or break.

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