Client Bill of Rights Template

Patients who need treatment of any type in a hospital have different rights to exercise. They should be aware of their rights and responsibilities so that their treatment can be administered in a friendly way.

Those who get mental treatment from a clinic of psychologists also need to know their rights, as the same laws and procedures apply to them.

What is a client bill of rights?

It is a document that is used to outline the basic rights of the individuals who visit the clinic for treatment. People who receive medical care and attention from a psychologist should be aware of their rights. In addition, doctors and other medical staff should also be aware of the expectations of patients. This lets them fulfill their expectations.

A bill of rights is created in many scenarios, and therefore, it is always converted into the context of medical and healthcare services so that it can be ensured that the patient receives quality care, treatment, and attention with respect. It is designed to be given to the patient like any other bill. It is usually attached to the patient’s file.

What are the components of a client’s bill of rights?

Healthcare facilities with a professional outlook on their day-to-day activities always like to use a bill of rights because they believe that their clients should be aware of their rights.

This way, clients are not only aware of their rights but also know their boundaries, and they never expect more than necessary from the psychologist. Here are a few common elements to be seen in this Bill of Rights:

Details of the client:

The mental healthcare clinic includes the details of the client because these details tell to which client this form belongs. The form includes information such as name, age, gender, the reason for coming to the clinic, and some other details.

The form is also kept in the database of the company, as it guarantees that there are privileges and rights that every patient in the hospital can exercise and that there will be no discrimination.

A complete summary of rights:

Patients usually have many rights, and healthcare facilities should mention all of them. If there is limited space and time, the rights and privileges can be explained in a summarized way.

Since the purpose of this document is to outline all the rights, the healthcare facility should focus on mentioning all of them in the Bill of Rights and making sure that it has communicated everything according to the rules and regulations of the state. 

Some of the common rights that every person in the clinic can exercise are rights to be respected, and honored, rights to get quality treatment and care, protection from harm, privilege of confidentiality, and whatnot. 


This document is given to the patient before he can get medical treatment. He is required to read the entire document with care and attention and then sign it. Getting the signatures of the patient on this document will be an indication that he has read all the rights and privileges list and that there is nothing he has any objections to.


Along with signatures, the date is also mentioned by the patient. This data is used to keep the record accurate and make sure that the bill of rights was signed before the treatment was administered.

A bill of rights is used to outline the rights to be known by patients so that patients can see when they are violated. The hospital facility also provides its contact details to the patient to make it easy for him to reach the hospital if there is any sort of violation.

The hospital keeps a copy of this bill with itself and gives the original bill to the patient so that the patient can also see what his rights are.

Client Bill of Rights -medical

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