Baby Food Reaction and Allergy Log

From the age of 6 to 8 months, children are introduced to solid food which, in the beginning, is very soft and moist to make sure that it goes down the baby’s food canal and is properly digested. It is advised to introduce solid food one after the other to note the reaction of every food and make sure that it is accepted by the body otherwise following consequences can be encountered.

Food allergy refers to the counter immune system attack in response to any food item. Upon the intake of food, the immune system recognizes the foreign body as a threat and secrete antibodies to eliminate it which can be fatal.

As a result of the immune response, swelling, and hives can be observed in the body. Food allergies can be life-threatening because they have the capacity to alter the immune responses and the body attacks healthy cells. In the encounter of food allergies, it is advisable to seek the help of healthcare providers.

Food reactions are different from food allergies because these reactions do not trigger an immune response rather they are usually the results of indigestion of food or specific ingredient which may cause diarrhea, constipation, etc. These reactions can be easily treated through oral medicine.

Baby food reaction and allergy log records all types of consequences upon the encounter with a specific food item. These logs are very helpful in maintaining a list of all food items that can cause a severe reaction so that the baby is not given that food again. Moreover, doctors also prefer a child’s allergic history to food for prescribing proper medication.

Format of the log

Baby food allergy and reaction logs are usually on Excel sheets so that they can be easily printed as well as edited whenever new information become available. Earlier, parents used simple papers to categorize food items between allergic or reactive and would paste them on the fridge so that it is visible to everyone and it should be taken into account while presenting food to the baby.

Since technology has advanced so much, these logbooks are now maintained on online portals that are shared among parents and babysitters to make sure that every person who is supervising the baby, should be aware of these allergies and reactive items.

Overall, it is easy to design a logbook featuring food allergies and reactions in a baby. This log is comprised of columns arranged in a tandem manner and each column represents a different category. A simple template of the following log is given below,

Food AllergyFood Reaction


Baby food allergies and reaction log’ has gained importance over the years because of their following uses,

  • It is crucial to design a log for allergies because it keeps parents informed about the health conditions of a baby in response to certain food items.
  • If the baby attends daycare, an allergy log is submitted along with the baby’s application to make sure that all the caregivers and other parents are aware of the baby and his food allergies.


Baby food reaction and allergy log

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