Doctor Notes for School

It is very common to get tired of your tough college routine. You may have been working too much from last few weeks. The continuous work can get you drained and you feel physically and mentally tired. All you need in such a situation is a break from this tough routine. The best thing to get refuge from the tiring college is to take few days off.

If you want to get a leave from your college or school without making your teacher realize that you are doing it for no solid reason, doctor notes can help you.

If you are seriously ill, you can ask your doctor to write a note so that you can submit it to the college. If you want to fake your illness to get a break from the institute, the template for doctor notes can help you

These days, educational institutes have become very strict about the attendance of the students. These institutes also punish their students when they are not able to provide a solid reason for staying absent.

If you are ill and you want to abstain yourself from the punishment of the school, you can get a doctor note. The doctor notes templates are considered as one of the best ways to get leave from the school or college.

Most of the institutes grant the permission to the student to take a leave for a day. However, if you need a leave for an extended period of time, providing the doctor note is important. These notes also serve the purpose of a medical certificate.

Why do educational institutes ask for doctor notes?

The main objective of the institute behind asking the student to provide the doctor note is to prevent them from being absent from the school frequently.

When do you need a doctor’s note in school/college?

  1. When you have an emergency and don’t want to discuss it with anyone.
  2. When you are seriously ill.
  3. When you have been absent from the school for a week or more and your teacher is asking for a solid reason to provide.

Sample Notes


Doctor note for schoolThis note is written on behalf of [Student’s name]’s family. The said patient was diagnosed with [DISEASE] at [NAME] hospital on May 19, 2018. The panel of doctors advised her parents to get her [TREATMEMT] done as soon as possible to get this [DISEASE] treated at this very initial stage. For that purpose, she needs to be admitted to the hospital for a minimum of one month. In case you have any queries, feel free to contact us at the given number. Thank you!


Doctor note for schoolPlease excuse [student’s name]’s absence from college for the last four days. My patient had suffered extreme sore throat and required to take rest at home. The patient also suffered from the high fever because of the bad throat due to which she needs a complete bed rest & proper medication to get well completely. She is still weak enough to be regular at her college at least for two more days. If you have any confusion, do not hesitate to contact.


Doctor note for schoolRespected Professor! This letter is to inform you that Miss [NAME] is my patient for quite some time as she was suffering from severe & numerous migraine attacks over past few months to which she responded like a normal headache & got self-medication most of the times.

When she visited me, I doubted it was a brain tumor which has now affected most of the areas of her brain. To her bad luck, it was reported true after a thorough medical examination.

Now she is getting her treatment & chemotherapy on regular basis & is making a prompt recovery as well. She had been absent for nearly a month, but the reason was a natural calamity fallen upon her. I am afraid that she must be absent from her college for at least two more months as we need to provide her with psychological treatment as well which she needs after suffering the worst side effects of chemotherapy. Hopefully, you understand the delicacy of matter & allow her to continue her treatment without any tension of getting terminated. If you need to make any inquiry, you are most welcomed to contact the hospital. Thank you!

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