Hospital Excuse Notes

In our lives, every one of us meets a time when he or she simply is unable to pull them up and go to their respective workplaces or classes they are supposed to attend. These days are just the low days of our mind and we want to stay at home, in our blankets, and spend a lazy day all along. We are just tired of the routine life which becomes boring and exhausting at some stage and we need a break from it.

And then there are days when you are actually sick and tired and just not okay to go to the school, office or anywhere you were supposed to be like every day. You may catch up cold or be hit by a severe headache and it becomes impossible for you to leave for office.

But who will get them off from classes when you feel down or got a severe sore throat? Who will approve your leave of absence because of the severe abdominal cramps you just began to have because of an ordered food?

Here comes a doctor at a rescue. If you go to the doctor and he gives you an excuse from work or college that is the only safe way to get you a day off or more.

Practical use of the hospital excuse notes

The hospital excuse notes are legal papers issued by the doctor that allows a person to get a day or two off from work. Almost all employers and companies do have the flexibility and policy of allowing for some half leaves or sick leaves if they are approved by the doctor.

For example, if a company allows its employees to have 12 sick leaves in a year, they can avail of them with the verification of the doctor, and his pay is never deducted in such circumstances.

Hospital excuse notes are used widely in hospitals and only the relevant doctor is authorized for the issuance of this certificate.

These excuse notes are used by the doctor himself at times when he falls sick during his practice or specialist training or wherever he is working. Reasons are the same as for any other employee working in an office or firm or a student studying in a school, college, or university.

What details are mentioned in the hospital excuse notes?

Now, we will describe what are the common details mentioned in the hospital excuse notes.  

  1. The hospital excuse notes consist of the particulars of the patient with his complete address and contact details.
  2. His presenting complaints or reason for which he needs an off from the office are also mentioned. This section of the notes is written in detail.
  3. A detailed general physical and systemic examination is held, and all the findings are mentioned in the form.
  4. At the end of the document, the final recommendations of the doctor along with the treatment are mentioned and duly signed by the doctor. This document is later handed over to the employee.

Hospital Excuse Note for School


Doctor details

Hospital details

To whom it may concern,

It is to notify you that Sam John, a student in 8th grade at the ABC school, was admitted to the hospital on 28th April 2032.

I, Dr. James Mathew, attended to him when he came to the XYZ hospital with a complaint of stomach ache. After examination, I found that he had food poisoning and severe dehydration for which I admitted him to the hospital for a day for his treatment.

Kindly, accept his excuse for absence from the school on this date. I am attaching the relevant documents with this note let me know if you need any further details.


Dr. James Mathew.

Hospital excuse note for school

Hospital Excuse Note for Work

To whom it may concern,

I, Dr. Samantha Wilson, notify you that Ms. Watson came to the ABC hospital on 19th May 2032, at 9:30 a.m. with the problem of severe backache. When I attended and examined her, I got to know the severity of her problem. She needed to be injected at different intervals for which I prescribed her admission for one day. At the end of the day, she got better and was discharged, but I asked her to rest for at least one more day. This is why she could not come to work on the 19th and 20th of May 2032.

Kindly, accept this excuse note for the absence of Ms. Emily Watson from work for these two days. Also, she has been given an appointment for a review on 1st June 2032 at 10:00 a.m. so kindly, spare her on that day as well, as the tests and treatment might require a full-day examination.

I am attaching her result reports and prescriptions with this note. Let me know if you need any further documents or details.


Dr. Samantha Wilson.

Hospital excuse note for work

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