Doctor Excuse Notes
A doctor’s excuse or sick note serves as a medical certificate for an employee showing the incapability of the employee in the performance of his/her duties at work due to health issues. This document is kept in the record file.
Companies usually have policies to ask for doctor excuse notes in case of employee’s absenteeism and the policies can vary for the number of days an employee can remain absent without provision of a doctor’s note.
There could be many reasons for this policy. For instance, a company is answerable to shareholders, it needs proof that the employee is not making excuses, it needs to evaluate employees on the basis of discipline, etc.
Therefore, when an employee gets sick or faces an accident and takes day/days off, the management asks for a doctor’s note to make sure the employee was actually unwell. The employee, hence, requests the concerned doctor to write such a note for him on official letterhead.
The doctor cannot state the employee’s disease without his/her permission due to privacy laws and simply provides evidence for the company.
It may also state the number of days that an employee is required to rest or the special provisions required once he returns to work so that the company can cooperate. In addition, the required future appointments are often mentioned as well.
As the law states, the company cannot punish an employee on the basis of absenteeism if the doctor/healthcare professional has provided proof of unwellness of an employee.
Sometimes, the companies do not require a doctor’s note rather they just need an absence letter written by employees stating the reason behind their absence. On the contrary, some companies require even the details of visit appointments from doctors.
Sample 1: Doctor Excuse Note
Name of Doctor
To whom it may concern,
It is to notify that I treated Mr. Sam John on 21st July 2018 at 12:30 p.m. in ‘Wellness Hospital’.
He had an accident and his left leg was badly bleeding when he came to the hospital. He got five stitches and was remained under observation for five hours.
I prescribed him medicines and complete rest of five days which is why he could not come to work. Further, he is scheduled for another appointment on 3rd August 2018 at 2:00 p.m.
If you need any further documents, feel free to call me at [CONTACT] during my office hours (12:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. daily).
Doctor’s name

Sample 2: Doctor Excuse Note
Name of Doctor
To whom it may concern,
Kindly, accept this letter as a notification that I attended Mr. Greg Smith on 23rd July 2018 at 10:30 a.m. at ‘Health hospital’.
The patient came with extreme pain on his right side of the abdomen. The relatives stated that he was having the pain at night and they came to the hospital when the pain became unbearable. On observation, I immediately had to operate him as the appendix was about to burst. This detailed information is provided on the request and with the consent of Mr. Greg Smith (along with his signatures at the end).
He will not be able to come to work for the next two weeks. Once he comes back, it is highly recommended that he does not walk much for a month at least. Cooperation in this regard would be appreciated.
Feel free to contact me at [CONTACT] anytime between 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. if you require any further documents.
Doctor’s name

More Excuse Notes for Various Reasons
Excuse Note for work
John Doe is my patient at the Heart Health Clinic. He is suffering from blood pressure fluctuations for a couple of days. I need to put him under observation for 24 hours and carry out some tests at my clinic. Kindly grant him leave for a day so that I may go on with the necessary observation.
Once his test results come, he may need to take a few more days off from work in order to be able to rest. Work stress may impact his health negatively. I will inform you accordingly along with copies of John’s test results.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Please be advised that Miss Jane Doe has been diagnosed with typhoid. She has been recommended to take complete rest for a period of two weeks along with medicines and a healthy diet. She must, therefore, be allowed to take off from work for the said period.
Her follow-up checks up will take place after 2 weeks in order to evaluate her recovery. In case the disease persists, she will be advised further rest.
Her test reports and a copy of the prescription have been enclosed. You may email or call me for further information at the provided contact information.
Excuse Note for school
XYZ is suffering from strep throat and fever. He has been prescribed antibiotics and needs to rest for a couple of days. Kindly excuse him from school on the 12th and 13th of December. He may return to school on the 14th of December if his fever subsides.
Please contact me at (email ID) for any queries.
ABC has received her vaccine shot today. As a side effect, she may suffer from fever and muscular stiffness. She should, therefore, be excused from school for 2 days.
I may be contacted at the provided phone number for further information.
Excuse Note for court
It is to certify that Miss Jane Doe is in the last trimester of her pregnancy with high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. She has been strictly advised to take complete bed rest in order to avoid complications. It is, therefore, requested to excuse her from her court hearing next week. It is advised to postpone her hearing until after her safe delivery.
Kindly find attached her reports. I will be pleased to provide further information upon request. You may contact me at (phone number) between 10 am and 6 pm.
Please be advised that my patient, XYZ, will not be able to attend his court hearing on the14th of December due to serious health issues. He suffered from severe myocardial infarction on 8th December and is still under treatment in the Intensive Care Unit.
Please find enclosed copies of his medical reports. He should be excused from the court until his complete recovery.
Your consideration shall be appreciated.